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Tech Skills – Navigating social networks.

Learn about the benefits of technology & how to stay safe online!
Technology is becoming a more and more important part of everyone’s lives.

Tech helps us to connect with our loved ones, join the community, and share our stories with the world.

Using things like the Internet & mobile phones can be quite confusing, and sometimes even dangerous, so it is important to feel confident in yourself when you use them.

In the Tech Skills course, you will learn about the different ways we can talk to people online, and how we can do so safely. You will also learn about handy websites and apps that might make your everyday life easier, or even help you in the workplace.

If you’re interested in keeping up-to-date with new technology and feeling confident going online or using social media, then sign up for Tech Skills!

Learning Objectives: Term 1 Digital Communications
– Texting and audio messages
– Setting up video and conference calls
– Understanding accounts and passwords
– Navigating social media safely

What to bring:
– Notebook & Pen
– Mobile Phone or tablet (if you have one)
– $10 out of pocket activity fee

$10 per week

CLICK HERE to download the Skills for Life Term 1, 2025 information flyer